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Around 100 Ukrainian emergency service workers dug into the earth at the edge of the forest in the city of Izyum, opening makeshift graves to identify the causes of death among those buried. Ukrainian police say there are 445 new graves at the site—though some contain more than one body—and many are...
A cease-fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan held Thursday following two days of fighting that killed 176 soldiers from both sides. Armen Grigoryan, the secretary of Armenia’s Security Council, said the truce brokered thanks to international mediation took effect at 8 p.m. (1600 GMT) Wednesday. A...
Hundreds of people, including relatives of those lost in killings involving state forces, gathered in Belfast to demand the scrapping of the government's contentious plan to deal with the legacy of the Northern Ireland Troubles. The Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill, which...
Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, announced he plans to hold a referendum within the next three years to decide whether to remove the king as head of state and become a republic. "This is a matter that has to be taken to a referendum for the people to decide," Browne told ITV...
The Bosnian state court on Wednesday found Momcilo Tesic, a wartime military policeman with the Bosnian Serb Army’s Vlasenica Brigade, guilty of committing a crime against humanity for killing 17 men from Srebrenica area in the village of Mrsici in the Vlasenica municipality on July 13-14, 1995. The...
French judges dropped a case against French peacekeepers deployed during Rwanda's 1994 genocide who were accused by survivors and human rights groups of being complicit in massacres, legal sources said on Wednesday. Survivors of the June 1994 slaughter in the hills of Bisesero in western Rwanda had...
Poland’s top politician said Thursday that the government will seek equivalent of some $1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany for the Nazis’ World War II invasion and occupation of his country. Poland’s government rejects a 1953 declaration by the country’s then-communist leaders, under pressure...
On the frontlines of Ukrainian resistance to Russia's invading forces and in shattered cities, combatants and civilians marked Ukraine's Independence Day with defiant words and the promise of victory. In normal years a day of celebrations hailing the end of Soviet rule in 1991, this Independence Day...
The District Court in Doboj has confirmed an indictment charging Ante Pavic, a former military policeman with the Croatian Defense Council, the Bosnian Croat wartime force, with war crimes against civilians. According to the indictment, Pavic participated in beatings, unlawful detentions and rape...
A ceremony has been held in Glasgow, Scotland, to officially repatriate seven Indian cultural artefacts looted during British colonial rule. Dignitaries from the High Commission of India joined members of Glasgow Life, the charity that manages the Scottish city’s museum collections, at the transfer...