Bosnia Charges Croat Ex-Military Policeman with Beatings, Rape


The District Court in Doboj has confirmed an indictment charging Ante Pavic, a former military policeman with the Croatian Defense Council, the Bosnian Croat wartime force, with war crimes against civilians. 

According to the indictment, Pavic participated in beatings, unlawful detentions and rape—crimes committed against civilians who were being held in a detention facility at the Polet football club stadium and old police building in Bosanski Brod. 

Serb civilians who were not participating in hostilities were held at the detention facility between April and September 1992. 

Pavic is accused of beating a detainee using his fists and police baton on several occasions in the old police building in Bosanski Brod from April to May 1992 and unlawfully detaining a civilian in June. 

He also raped one detainee in September 1992, “causing great suffering and pain to her,”, the indictment also claimed. 

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