Sudanese Forces Kill One Youth in Anti-Coup Protests


Sudanese security forces on Sunday killed one protester and wounded dozens in the last pro-democracy demonstrations in January, three months after the coup. The anti-coup protests are spearheaded by the Resistance Committees which call for the return of the armed forces to their barracks and to cease interfering in the management of state affairs. The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors said that Mohamed Youssif Ismail died of a chest injury but failed to determine if it was caused by a bullet or a tear gas canister. 

Sudanese security forces used tear gas canisters horizontally, directed at individuals, in violation of international standards, as confirmed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Before the protests, the Sudanese authorities issued a statement banning protests in the Khartoum downtown area, the surroundings of the presidential palace and army headquarters. However, the protesters headed as usual to the presidency which is the headquarters of the military-led Sovereign Council. Dozens of peaceful demonstrators were injured in Khartoum and the other states across the country. 

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