ICC Closes Preliminary War Crimes Examination into Colombia After 17 Years


The International Criminal Court said it would close a 17-year preliminary examination into Colombia for war crimes and crimes against humanity in recognition of efforts to combat impunity and guarantee justice for victims.

ICC prosecutor Karim Khan said, “I am delighted to say that Colombia has stepped up to its international obligations, to its Rome Statute obligations and consistent with the principle of complementarity, I am delighted to say I can step out of the preliminary examination phase.”

Khan warned the ICC can always reopen the examination if Colombia fails in its obligations, while President Duque said the agreement would allow Colombia to share future progress.

However, Human Rights Watch Americas director Jose Miguel Vivanco tweeted, “The ICC prosecutor’s decision to close the Colombia preliminary examination is premature, misinformed, and detrimental to justice. The country’s transitional justice system may now be an easier target.”

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