Ethiopia's War Marked by 'Extreme Brutality' From All Sides: UN


A joint investigation into alleged atrocities in Ethiopia found all sides committed grave abuses that may amount to crimes against humanity and war crimes in the yearlong war in the Tigray region. The report, a collaboration of the United Nations human rights office and the government-created Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, was released as the country enters a state of emergency with rival Tigrayan forces. 

Michelle Bachelet, the UN high commissioner for human rights, said the Tigray conflict has been marked by "extreme brutality." "The joint investigation team has covered numerous violations and abuses including unlawful killings and extrajudicial executions, torture, sexual and gender-based violence, violations against refugees, and forced displacement of civilians," Bachelet said. More than 1,300 rapes were reported to authorities, with many more likely to have been unreported. 

Meanwhile, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said the UN report dispelled false accusations against his government, including the deliberate denial of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population in Tigray. 

The United States State Department is sending Jeffrey Feltman, special envoy for the Horn of Africa, to Ethiopia for talks to urge "all Ethiopians to commit to peace and resolution of grievances through dialogue." 

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