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The head of Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Iraq met on Sunday with the military leader of the US-led coalition in Iraq and Syria to discuss the importance of protecting the sovereignty and security of Iraq and the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Both sides discussed the urgent need to solve the...
In a referendum on Sunday, more than 62 per cent of the Slovenians who turned out to vote were in favor of a bill that restores editorial independence to the national broadcaster, Radio Television of Slovenia, RTVSLO. The current leadership of the public media service—the largest in Slovenia—was...
Uzbekistan has put 22 people on trial, accusing them of “undermining constitutional order” by taking part in unprecedented anti-government protests in July. Hundreds of people were arrested and 21 people died during the protests, sparked by a planned change to the constitution that would have...
Barely a month after granting himself new powers as China’s potential leader for life, Xi Jinping is facing a wave of public anger of the kind not seen for decades, sparked by his “zero COVID” strategy that will soon enter its fourth year. Demonstrations took place in universities and in the streets...
Venezuela’s government and its opposition on Saturday agreed to create a UN-managed fund to finance health, food, and education programs for the poor, while the Biden administration eased some oil sanctions on the country in an effort to boost the newly restarted talks between the sides. The...
Hebe de Bonafini, the iconic cofounder of Argentina's Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and a staunch fighter against the human rights violations committed during the country's military dictatorship in the 1970s and 1980s, died on Sunday at the age of 93. Bonafini became one of Argentina's most famous human...
United Nations experts have called on authorities in South Sudan to investigate officials accused of overseeing systematic gang rapes, some of whose victims were girls as young as 9. The Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan said on Monday that it had reasonable grounds to believe a county...
EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell announced overnight that Kosovo and Serbia had reached a deal to end their row over car license plates, which Brussels, Washington and NATO had warned could escalate into violence. “Serbia will stop issuing license plates with Kosovo cities’ denominations,”...
Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Twitter on Tuesday morning that he had accepted a request from Washington “for a 48-hour postponement of the introduction of fines” for cars with Serbian plates. The dispute erupted after Kosovo said the country’s ethnic Serbs would be penalized if they did...
The Colombian government and the South American country’s largest remaining guerrilla group resumed peace talks Monday, breaking a roughly four-year hiatus where the rebels expanded their territory. The delegates in a joint declaration stated they had gathered to restart political dialogue “with...