Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

A vessel with around 400 migrants and refugees onboard is adrift between Italy and Malta as it awaits rescue from Italian coastguard, according to sea rescue support service Alarm Phone. Alarm Phone said it had alerted authorities in Greece, Malta, and Italy when it first received the distress call...
Dozens of Russian journalists and rights activists on Monday called on the authorities to free a prominent opposition politician facing up to 25 years in jail for alleged treason and other charges which they said were politically motivated. The appeal to release Vladimir Kara-Murza, 41, came ahead...
Afghan religious scholars Saturday criticized a ban on female education, as a key Taliban minister warned clerics not to rebel against the government on the controversial issue. Girls cannot go to school beyond sixth grade in Afghanistan, with the education ban extending to universities. Women are...
Fierce fighting between the Myanmar military and armed ethnic rebels has forced about 5,000 people to flee across the country's border into Thailand this week, officials and media said on Thursday. Myanmar's military government, which overthrew an elected government in a 2021 coup, is grappling with...
Honduras' government on Friday extended until late May emergency powers that suspend some constitutional rights, part of an anti-gang push implemented by leftist President Xiomara Castro in the Central American country's largest cities. This is the third extension—this time by another 45 days—of the...
The Ethiopian government has said it intends to integrate all regional special forces either into the national army or the federal or regional police, a move likely to be perceived as an attempt to diminish the autonomy of individual regions. Ethiopia’s 10 regions currently enjoy a degree of...
This month marks 25 years since the Good Friday Agreement largely ended bloodshed that left 3,600 people dead, some 50,000 wounded and thousands bereaved. Northern Ireland is observing the anniversary with a reunion of key peace process players and a visit from US President Joe Biden. The peace...
Dozens of rights groups have urged United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres not to adopt the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, saying it has been used to suppress criticism of Israel. It went on to ask the UN to ensure that its...
French judges have ordered three senior members of the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad to stand trial for collusion in crimes against humanity over the deaths of two French Syrian men. The order, signed last Wednesday, says the three senior al-Assad advisers are charged with complicity in...
UN officials have condemned a Taliban decision to bar Afghan female staffers from working at the agency. Afghan women are already barred from working at national and international non-governmental organizations, disrupting the delivery of humanitarian aid, but the ban did not previously cover...