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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

A German court has jailed a woman for more than nine years for enslaving a Yazidi woman, as well as aiding and abetting war crimes and genocide as a member of ISIL (ISIS). The 37-year-old German defendant, identified only as Nadine K, was also found guilty of crimes against humanity and membership...
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called out Russia on Thursday for killing 136 children in Ukraine in 2022, adding its armed forces to a global list of offenders, according to a report to the UN Security Council seen by Reuters. The United Nations also verified that Russian armed...
Ugandan authorities recovered the bodies of 41 people, including 38 students, who were burned, shot, or hacked to death by attackers at a secondary school. At least six people were abducted by the rebels, who fled across the porous border into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) after the...
An increasing number of Sudanese civilians fleeing El Geneina, a city in Darfur hit by repeated militia attacks, have been killed or shot at as they tried to escape by foot to Chad since last week, witnesses said. The violence in El Geneina over the past two months has been driven by militias from...
Afghans fleeing the Taliban are being kidnapped and tortured by gangs as they try to cross the border between Iran and Turkey on their way to Europe, a BBC investigation has found. The gangs then send videos of the abuse to the families of migrants being held hostage, demanding a ransom for their...
The Netherlands and Canada have submitted a case against Syria to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over allegations of torture. Their application accuses the Syrian government of committing "countless violations of international law" since the country's civil war began in 2011. "Syrian...
Once again, the war in Ukraine is affecting the country's culture. Flooding following the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam has destroyed significant archaeological sites. Churches, monuments, and museums are submerged all over the Kherson region. Archaeological sites dating back to the Scythians — a...
Six Swiss police officers have appeared in court accused of homicide in the case of a 2018 death of a Black man from a heart attack as he was being arrested. A courtroom in the Swiss municipality of Renens on Monday heard allegations against six police officers accused of "homicide through...
Democratic Republic of Congo's M23 rebels allegedly executed scores of villagers and militia members between November and April and buried their bodies in mass graves, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Wednesday, accusing Rwanda of backing the group. Last year, the United Nations accused the group of...
A Guatemalan appeals court disobeyed a ruling from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights by ordering the release of three former high-ranking military officers convicted of crimes against humanity. In March, the regional human rights court halted the release of the prisoners “to prevent...