Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation in northwestern Ontario says cadaver dogs conducting ground searches of a former residential school site have found 22 "alerts" indicating the underground presence of historical human remains. Nineteen of the 22 alerts overlap with areas that survivors have identified...
Five Myanmar nationals asked the Philippines on Wednesday to investigate alleged war crimes committed by 10 serving or former members of Myanmar's military against the mainly Christian Chin minority. Filipino lawyers representing the Myanmar nationals told reporters they lodged the "landmark"...
Oxfam has renewed its call for essential goods to enter the besieged Gaza Strip and said starvation was being used as a “weapon of war” after Israel cut off supplies of food, water, electricity, and fuel to the territory. Israel imposed a “complete siege” on Gaza after Hamas fighters launched an...
Dossiers of evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine have been presented to German federal prosecutors at the start of a campaign to use the principle of universal jurisdiction to bring war criminals to justice. The cases were filed on Thursday morning by the Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ)...
Talks between Sudan’s warring factions will resume Thursday in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a focus on securing access for humanitarian aid to reach beleaguered civilians, according to senior U.S. State Department officials. The United States and Saudi Arabia have brokered multiple cease-fires between...
The Federal Court has approved a $23 billion settlement agreement—the largest in Canadian history—for First Nations children and families who experienced racial discrimination through Ottawa's chronic underfunding of the on-reserve foster care system and other family services. The settlement...
The United Nations on Monday expressed concern over the "atmosphere of mutual suspicion" in Kosovo, calling for "critical" de-escalatory measures between it and Serbia. Tensions between Pristina and Belgrade have been heightened since a police officer was killed last month in an ambush in Kosovo's...
Women and girls are in a “not only difficult ... but deadly” situation following recent earthquakes in Afghanistan because of the humanitarian and civil rights crises in the country since the Taliban seized power, a UN official said Sunday. An update from UN Women highlighted some of the problems...
Hamas on Monday said it had freed two Israeli women who were among the more than 200 hostages taken during its October 7 rampage in southern Israel while sources said the U.S. had advised Israel to hold off on a ground assault in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli prime minister's office issued a statement...
Politicians, campaigners, and community groups are uniting for the first time to make “a very distinct and clear call for reparative justice” at an inaugural reparations conference this weekend. The all-party parliamentary group for Afrikan reparations (APPG-AR), a group of cross-party MPs, is...