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Around 100 Ukrainian emergency service workers dug into the earth at the edge of the forest in the city of Izyum, opening makeshift graves to identify the causes of death among those buried. Ukrainian police say there are 445 new graves at the site—though some contain more than one body—and many are...
In its first report, the Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia said it had found evidence of widespread violations by all sides since fighting erupted in the northern Tigray region in November 2020. The commission, created by the UN Human Rights Council last December and made up of three...
Fighting has cooled in recent years after Iran and Russia helped Assad recapture 70 percent of Syrian territory, the United States backed Kurdish fighters that defeated Islamic State militants, and Turkey set up a buffer zone near its border. But the United Nations said fault lines between various...
Hundreds of people, including relatives of those lost in killings involving state forces, gathered in Belfast to demand the scrapping of the government's contentious plan to deal with the legacy of the Northern Ireland Troubles. The Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill, which...
The head of a United Nations team investigating human rights abuses in Myanmar has said that the scope and scale of alleged international crimes taking place in Myanmar “broadened dramatically” during the past year, as the military sought to assert its control in the wake of the February 2021 coup...
Ahead of the UN Human Rights Chief’s latest report on Sri Lanka, and a likely resolution at the coming session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the Sri Lankan government reiterated that it would not accept any external mechanism on war-time accountability. Though rejecting the possibility of...
Colombia’s Truth Commission revealed the names of 423 people and 58 companies that allegedly financed the expansion of paramilitary organization AUC between 1995 and 1998 within the city of Medellin. None of the people and the companies in the AUC’s financial administration were taken to court after...
Poland’s top politician said Thursday that the government will seek equivalent of some $1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany for the Nazis’ World War II invasion and occupation of his country. Poland’s government rejects a 1953 declaration by the country’s then-communist leaders, under pressure...
China’s discriminatory detention of Uyghurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic groups in the western region of Xinjiang may constitute crimes against humanity, the UN human rights office said in a long-awaited report Wednesday, which cited “serious” rights violations and patterns of torture in recent...
Canada has announced investments totaling more than $4 million to support 278 first nation community projects all across the country. The money will also fund two major national projects: a national commemorative gathering on September 30 for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and an...