Media Coverage

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Libya’s Missing Persons Authority announced Sunday the discovery of 42 bodies buried in a mass grave in the central coastal city of Sirte, a former stronghold of the ousted Islamic State group. In a statement, the authority’s spokesperson said the 42 bodies had been exhumed from a school site in the...
Azerbaijan said it has discovered what it claimed is a mass grave of its soldiers allegedly executed by Armenian separatist forces during the 1990s war over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. “A mass grave of Azerbaijani servicemen tortured and executed during the first Karabakh war was...
The video was released on Telegram channels on the morning of October 2, and it depicted a group of Azerbaijani soldiers shooting a group of unarmed Armenian soldiers. The office of Armenia’s human rights ombudsman said it had verified the authenticity of the video and that it was filmed during a...
The decision confirmed an earlier ruling that each of the women who worked in the brothels set up for U.S. soldiers should be compensated between 3 million won and 7 million won (about $2,092 to $4,881). The verdict also confirmed the existence of the brothels set up in U.S. military camptown in...
Three former presidents of Albania and one of Kosovo on Wednesday visited ethnic Albanian former commanders in the fight against Serbian rule in Kosovo who are being held in a Netherlands prison pending trial for alleged war crimes. An EU-backed war crimes court and a linked prosecutor’s office...
In its September report assessing the civic space of Cambodia, the international nonprofit CIVICUS rated the country as "repressed." The nonprofit—a coalition of international civil society members—found "no tangible human rights improvements" in the past year and said the country's media freedom...
Sudanese medical officials warned Monday that more than 1,500 unidentified bodies piled up in several of the country’s morgues could lead to an outbreak of disease, amid accusations the government is covering up their causes of death. Among the deceased are believed to be pro-democracy protesters...
The international court convened in Cambodia to judge the Khmer Rouge for its brutal 1970s rule ended its work Thursday after spending $337 million and 16 years to convict just three men of crimes after the regime caused the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million people. In its final session, the UN...
After releasing a first-of-its-kind report earlier this year that examined slavery in the United States and the lingering effects on African Americans, the California Reparations Task Force is holding a two-day public hearing this weekend to discuss reparations. Assembly Bill 3121 (AB 3121) was...
The Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Malakal opened its doors in late 2013 to offer refuge to people fleeing South Sudan’s ruinous civil war. Accounts of sexual abuse committed by aid workers first emerged in 2015, but the scale of the problem has since grown despite a UN-led task force charged...