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The audience burst into laughter—and nearly burst into tears—as 18 youth and young adults from around Lebanon shared their life stories and struggles with identity, sectarianism, racism, and social marginalization. It was the story of a young Druze man who was bullied because he was poor, a Syrian...
The Taliban is creating a “grand army” for Afghanistan that will include officers and troops who served in the old regime, says the official tasked with overseeing the military’s transformation. Latifullah Hakimi, head of the Taliban’s Ranks Clearance Commission, also told a news conference on...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is beginning proceedings to hear Myanmar’s preliminary objections to a genocide case brought against it over a brutal 2017 crackdown by the military on the mostly Muslim Rohingya. The proceedings, which start Monday, have been given added urgency and...
Civilian deaths and injuries in Yemen's civil war have almost doubled since UN human rights monitors were controversially removed in October, a non-governmental organization said on Thursday. The ejection of monitors had opened the door to "unchecked, horrific violations," the Norwegian Refugee...
European Union foreign ministers have discussed ways to ease tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and prevent the possible break-up of the ethnically divided Balkan country as the peace agreement brokered more than 25 years ago continues to unravel. “The nationalist and separatist rhetoric is...
Colombia's high court decriminalized abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy on Monday in a landmark ruling for the majority-Catholic country, one of only a few in Latin America that currently allows the procedure. After that point, abortion will only be permitted in certain circumstances already...
Mali’s lawmakers on Monday approved a plan allowing the military government to rule for up to five years, AFP journalists said, despite regional sanctions imposed on the country over delayed elections. The army-dominated legislature also decided that the country’s interim president cannot stand for...
Ecuadorian legislators approved a measure Thursday setting regulations for terminating pregnancies resulting from rape, following a Constitutional Court ruling that decriminalized such abortions. Previously, Ecuador allowed abortions only when a woman's life was endangered by pregnancy. Passed on a...
Eight million Yemenis will likely lose all humanitarian aid in March unless urgent funds are delivered, United Nations officials have warned, amid an escalation in a long-running war that last month caused the highest toll in civilian casualties in at least three years. UN Special Envoy Hans...
The man who was president of Honduras until just a few weeks ago will now face a federal judge. The United States has asked that former President Juan Orlando Hernández be extradited to stand trial on drug trafficking and weapons charges. He appeared in court on Wednesday morning in Honduras...