Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Indigenous leaders from Canada and survivors of the country’s notorious residential schools met with Pope Francis on Monday and told him of the abuses they suffered at the hands of Catholic priests and school workers. They came hoping to secure a papal apology and a commitment by the church to...
Azerbaijan has said it is ready for peace talks with Armenia, after Yerevan urged Baku to negotiate a comprehensive peace treaty amid new tensions over the long-contested enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. “If Armenia is serious about a peace agreement, then concrete steps have to be made. We repeat that...
Armed groups in Iraq abduct, rape, torture, and kill lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, with impunity, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today with IraQueer. The 86-page report, “‘Everyone Wants Me Dead’: Killings, Abductions, Torture, and Sexual Violence Against LGBT...
Peru’s President Pedro Castillo avoided impeachment by the country’s opposition-dominated legislature on Monday after a parliamentary debate lasting more than eight hours. Fifty-five legislators voted in favor of impeachment, 54 voted against and 19 abstained. The president’s critics needed 87 votes...
Women and girls staged a protest near the Taliban’s Ministry of Education in Kabul on Saturday, calling on the group to reopen girls’ secondary schools in Afghanistan. The protesters chanted, “Education is our right—open the doors of girls’ schools!” as armed Taliban members looked on. The Taliban...
Peace talks in the Central African Republic (CAR), where civil war has raged since 2013, have concluded without any concrete progress. The talks, which had ended on Sunday, resumed on Monday—but no rebel groups were invited and the opposition equally boycotted them. In late 2020, President Faustin...
A United Nations special rapporteur has accused Israel of committing the crime of apartheid in the occupied territories, joining a growing group of international, Israeli and Palestinian rights watchdogs that have sought to recast the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle for equal rights...
World leaders heard impassioned pleas Thursday from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for more military aid to defend his country and the United States announced new sanctions and humanitarian aid as officials gathered for a trio of summits to discuss next steps in countering Russia’s month...
An alleged gang rape in broad daylight has shone a harsh spotlight on the pervasiveness of rape culture in Argentina and prompted fresh calls for men to play a bigger role in the country’s battle against gender violence. The assault of a 20-year-old woman by six men allegedly happened on a holiday...
Myanmar’s military and police deliberately killed civilians opposed to its rule in the six months following the coup in February 2021, in a policy that amounts to crimes against humanity, according to new research published on Thursday. “Nowhere Is Safe,” jointly authored by rights group Fortify...