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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Tunisian police used pepper spray to disperse protesters against President Kais Saied's planned July referendum on Saturday, June 4, nearly a year after he seized wide-ranging powers in what opponents decry as a coup. The police blocked the protesters, who numbered around 100, as they attempted to...
The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network has selected 13 journalists, historians, artists, and activists to receive grants to create small projects based on the archives of the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague and domestic courts in former Yugoslav countries. The recipients of the grants will...
Following the election of Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Carmelo Victor A Crisanto, the executive director of the Human Rights Violations Victims’ Memorial Commission, is rushing to preserve the accounts of victims under martial law. He is focused on digitizing victims’ case files so that they are protected...
The United States has imposed sanctions on the president of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Bosniak-Croat federation and an official of the Bosnian-Serb entity, accusing them of threatening the country’s democratic institutions. In a statement on Monday, the US Department of the Treasury said it was...
Mali's military rulers announced on Monday they would delay a return to civilian rule until March 2024. Mali has undergone two military coups since August 2020, when the army ousted elected president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. Its military rulers had pledged to return power to civilians by February...
On June 6, 2022, the trial of former Darfur Janjaweed leader, Ali Muhammad Ali Abdelrahman, also known as “Ali Kushayb” resumed in The Hague, Netherlands, as witnesses gave their testimonies in Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Abdelrahman is accused of 31 counts of war...
The top UN human rights official said Saturday that she raised concerns with Chinese officials about the impact of the broad application of counterterrorism and deradicalization measures on the rights of Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim groups in China’s Xinjiang region. Michelle Bachelet, who...
Lebanon’s new parliament has re-elected Nabih Berri for a seventh term as Speaker of Parliament, during the first parliamentary session held since elections on May 15. “I invite you to work together for a parliament that consolidates civil peace,” Berri told parliamentarians on Tuesday after his re...
Two leading Cuban artist-dissidents faced their first day of trial on Monday after being detained nearly a year ago, part of an ongoing judicial process that human rights groups have called a "farce" and a "circus." The activists, Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara and Maykel Castillo, are prominent...
A Ukrainian court has sentenced two captured Russian soldiers to more than 11 years in jail each for shelling a civilian area in the country’s east amid Moscow’s offensive. Tuesday’s sentencing of Alexander Bobikin and Alexander Ivanov is the second verdict handed down in war crimes trials held by...