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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Latin America leaders on Sunday congratulated Brazil's Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva after he won a third term as president of the largest country in South America, consolidating the region's "pink tide" of elected leftist leaders. His victory over far-right president Jair Bolsonaro leaves Brazil...
Thousands have protested in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) city of Goma, denouncing Rwanda’s alleged support of M23 rebels, as DRC recalled its interim acting ambassador from Rwanda in a further souring of relations. A mostly Congolese Tutsi group, the M23 resumed fighting in...
On October 25, 2022, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum issued a warning of a heightened risk of genocide in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. According to the statement, “the situation has deteriorated exponentially as Ethiopian security forces, supported by Eritrean forces and Amhara special...
In a resolution passed after a meeting in Washington, DC, on Thursday afternoon, the Organization of American States (OAS) permanent council expressed “solidarity and support” for Peru’s government, “as well as for [the] preservation of the democratic political institutional process." The left-wing...
Seoul's First Vice Foreign Minister Cho Hyun-dong has said, “There are a lot of speculative articles (over the solution to the wartime forced labor issue) but the governments have not made a decision, nor set a deadline (for resolution),” after a trilateral meeting with his American and Japanese...
Chadian security forces opened fire on anti-government demonstrators in the country’s two largest cities Thursday killing at least 60 people, the government spokesman and a morgue official said. Authorities imposed a curfew after the violence, which came amid demonstrations in the central African...
The findings of the research, which was published last week, revealed that half of the 900 sexual abuse cases that the Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) has documented were committed in what it called “rape houses,” where women were temporarily held to be assaulted, and that in...
Former Australian Army lawyer David McBride is being prosecuted for allegedly leaking a cache of documents to the ABC that informed a series on alleged war crimes in Afghanistan and led to a much-publicized federal police raid on the ABC’s Sydney offices in 2019. Two experts were set to support...
Canada announced in early January that it had reached a 40-billion Canadian dollar ($29bn) deal to reform the First Nations Child and Family Services program and compensate Indigenous children who were removed from their homes, or who did not receive or faced delays in accessing services. A final...
The spokesman for South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Vincent Magwenya, said the African Union-led talks that started Tuesday are expected to continue until Sunday. Delegations from the Ethiopian government and Tigray authorities arrived in South Africa this week, though there was no immediate...