Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

The Kenyan government is under pressure to urgently investigate and prosecute cases of femicide, after the brutal murders of two women. “This is a national crisis—we are not doing enough as a country to protect women,” said Audrey Mugeni, the co-founder of Femicide Count Kenya, an NGO that documents...
An international armed force slated to fight violent gangs in Haiti this year will face multiple challenges including shifting gang allegiances and widespread corruption among police, politicians and the country’s elite, a new report warned Friday. The multinational force, which will be led by Kenya...
Taliban officials are sending Afghan women to prison to protect them from gender-based violence, according to a UN report published Thursday. Before the Taliban seized power in 2021, there were 23 state-sponsored women protection centers in Afghanistan where survivors of gender-based violence could...
The Taliban’s “abusive” educational policies are harming boys as well as girls in Afghanistan, according to a Human Rights Watch report published Wednesday. The Taliban have been globally condemned for banning girls and women from secondary school and university, but the rights group says there has...
The United Nations humanitarian agency—the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs—says it is working with other humanitarian agencies to help mitigate and respond to increasing incidents of gender-based violence in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The...
Uganda's government on Wednesday denounced the United States' expansion of visa restrictions against its officials, accusing Washington of pushing an "LGBT agenda" in Africa. The new visa restrictions announced on Monday target unidentified officials the U.S. deems responsible for undermining...
Israeli police are using forensic evidence, video and witness testimony, and interrogations of suspects to document cases of rape amid the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. Women and girls caught in the rampage were brutalized sexually, as well as physically tortured and killed, witnesses to the...
Thousands of people took to the streets across the world on Saturday to condemn violence against women on the international day highlighting the crime. On the UN-designated International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, protesters marched in Europe and the Americas. "The scourge of...
Online abuse and hate speech targeting politically active women in Afghanistan has significantly increased since the Taliban took over the country in Aug. 2021, according to a report released Monday by a U.K.-based rights group. Afghan Witness—an open-source project run by the nonprofit Center for...
Women and girls are in a “not only difficult ... but deadly” situation following recent earthquakes in Afghanistan because of the humanitarian and civil rights crises in the country since the Taliban seized power, a UN official said Sunday. An update from UN Women highlighted some of the problems...