UN Accuses Mali Army, Jihadi Groups of Massacres


Mali's army and jihadist groups have carried out massacres and hundreds of human rights violations, the UN said in a report that details previously undocumented abuses against civilians.

The UN Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) report, seen by AFP on Thursday, catalogues 375 rights violations in the country between July and September, attributing 163 to jihadist groups and 162 to the Malian army.

It added 33 were carried out by militias, and 17 by armed groups that signed a 2015 peace agreement in northern Mali.

The report details for the first time several abuses, including rapes, that had been impossible to report on previously because of challenges on the ground.

Bamako said it was "not aware of the facts reported," adding that an investigation was under way. Mali's junta, which seized power in 2020, often claims it carries out probes, but the results are very rarely made public.

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