Thousands March in Khartoum on 1st Anniversary of Sudan Coup


Videos published on social media show thousands of demonstrators marching with flags and drums, most of them bound for the Presidential Palace, where they are expected to face a large security presence.

Various outlets and local journalists reported that security forces had closed off bridges leading into Khartoum earlier in the morning, and internet services across the country have been blocked though there were no immediate reports of violence.

Since their takeover, the military has cracked down and suppressed near-weekly pro-democracy marches, with as many as 118 protesters reported killed.

Sudan’s top general, Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, and paramilitary deputy Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo were meant to oversee a democratic transition after Sudan’s autocratic ruler Omar al-Bashir was toppled in a popular uprising in 2019, but last year—claiming that it was to stop a civil war—Buran dissolved the ruling Sovereign Council, arrested the transitional prime minister, and unseated the civilian faction of a power-sharing government that had been in place.

The coup has plunged Sudan’s already inflation-riddled economy into deeper peril, and there has been a resurgence of deadly tribal clashes—clashes between the Hausa and Berta people last week killed at least 230 people in the southern Blue Nile province.

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