Sudan Fighting Eclipses New Truce as Aid Groups Raise Alarm


Sudanese and foreigners streamed out of the capital of Khartoum and other battle zones, as fighting Tuesday shook a new three-day truce brokered by the United States and Saudi Arabia. Aid agencies raised increasing alarm over the crumbling humanitarian situation in a country reliant on outside help.

A series of short ceasefires the past week have either failed outright or brought only intermittent lulls in the fighting that has raged between forces loyal to the country’s two top generals since April 15. Terrified people remain trapped indoors with dwindling food, water, medicine, and fuel, and health services near collapse. For many Sudanese, the departure of diplomats, aid workers, and other foreigners and the closure of embassies are terrifying signs that international powers expect the mayhem to only worsen.

The 72-hour ceasefire announced by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was to last until late Thursday night, extending a nominal three-day truce over the weekend. The rival forces said Tuesday they would observe the ceasefire. But fighting continued, with explosions, gunfire, and the roar of warplanes overhead around the capital region.

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