Record 142 Iranian Prisoners Executed in May


A Norway-based human rights group says Iran executed 142 prisoners in May, hitting a dark record even for the Islamic Republic. 

The Oslo-based Iran Human Rights Organization (IHR) announced in its latest report on Thursday that the figure is the highest monthly executions since 2015, averaging five people hanged each day across the country during May. 

According to the report, the regime has executed at least 307 people in the first five months of 2023, indicating a 76-percent year on year rise. 

IHR Director Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam told Iran International, “The purpose of the Islamic Republic’s intensification of arbitrary executions is to spread fear in society to intimidate people against holding further protests, thus prolonging its rule.” 

He added that “if the international community doesn’t show a stronger reaction to the current wave of executions, hundreds more will fall victim to their killing machine in the coming months.” 

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