North Korea Tears Down Monument Symbolizing Union with the South – Report


North Korea has demolished a major monument in its capital that symbolized the goal of reconciliation with South Korea on the orders of leader Kim Jong Un, who last week called South Korea a "primary foe" and said unification was no longer possible.

Tensions have spiked on the Korean peninsula following intensifying military maneuvers by the South Korean and U.S. militaries in response to weapons testing by the North, which said it was readying for a "nuclear war" with its enemies. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, who took office in 2022, has taken a hard line against the North, calling for immediate and tough responses to North Korea's military actions that have raised tensions on the Korean peninsula.

The arch, formally known as the Monument to the Three Charters for National Reunification, stood 30 meters tall and was symbolic of the three charters, which were self-reliance, peace, and national cooperation, according to South Korean government records.

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