Mexico Passes Controversial Reform of Election Watchdog


Mexican lawmakers have approved a reform of the body which oversees elections, a move which critics say will weaken and undermine it. The move will slash the National Electoral Institute’s (INE) budget, reduce its staffing, and lead to the closure of many of its local offices.

President López Obrador, who was elected in July 2018 after two previous failed attempts, has long been critical of the INE, whose staff oversee elections. Last month, he lashed out against the independent body, accusing it of cheating as well as arguing its staff turned a blind eye to "the stuffing of ballot boxes, falsification of [election] records and vote buying."

The reform has caused an outcry among opposition politicians who say it is a setback to Mexico's democratic institutions. The measure is also facing legal challenges, with the head of the INE saying he would take it to the Supreme Court.

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