Haitians Suffer in Shelters as Gang Violence Displaces Thousands


A gang rampaged through the Cite Soleil neighborhood, killing and raping and setting fire to hundreds of wood-and-tin homes. Forced out of the area, one family of four lived on the streets of Port-au-Prince until they were struck by a truck as they slept. 

They are among more than 165,000 Haitians who have fled their homes amid a surge in gang violence, with nowhere to turn in this capital of nearly three million people. 

Some 79,000 people are temporarily staying with friends or family, but another 48,000 have crowded into dozens of makeshift shelters like Almicar’s or sought refuge in parks, churches, schools, and abandoned buildings in Port-au-Prince and beyond. The situation is overwhelming nonprofits and non-governmental organizations. 

Rapes have also become common at the shelters and in the neighborhoods that gangs are razing. 

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