Ecuador's Noboa Declares New Security State of Emergency


Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa on May 22 declared a new state of emergency in seven of the country's 24 provinces, as well as one area of a further province, citing a rise in the number of violent deaths and other crimes in those jurisdictions. 

The measure will be in force for 60 days in Guayas, El Oro, Santa Elena, Manabi, Sucumbios, Orellana, and Los Rios provinces, as well as one area of Azuay province, according to a decree signed by Noboa, who in January declared Ecuador was at war and designated 22 criminal gangs as terrorist groups. 

Noboa blames violence—including the January invasion of a television station by gunmen and a mass hostage-taking of prison guards—on drug gangs which move cocaine from Colombia and Peru through Ecuador. The attorney general's office is investigating eight extrajudicial killings reported to have taken place during the country's most recent state of emergency, after rights groups warned authorities were not taking steps to prevent abuses. 

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