Death And Fear Among Civilians in NW Syria Amid Assad Regime’s Bombardment


Seven civilians were killed and 20 others were injured on Sunday when the military of President Bashar al-Assad bombed the city of Idlib and towns in the countryside near Aleppo. 

Syria Civil Defense—a volunteer group that offers medical services—as well as rescue and relief assistance to communities in opposition-held areas of the country’s northwest, said they responded to the deaths of five civilians, including a child and a woman pregnant with twins, in the town of Darat Izza. They also assisted an additional five injured people, including two children, after more than 40 artillery shells fell on the area. 

Another 15 people were injured, including five children and a woman, as a result of missile bombardment on residential neighborhoods in the city of Idlib. 

So far this month, there have been 48 attacks on civilians in 15 cities and towns, resulting in the deaths of nine people, including three children and a woman, according to the Civil Defense. 

The deputy director of the Syrian Civil Defense, Mounir Mustafa, told Al Jazeera that the bombing caused a state of “terror” among residents, in addition to the damage it caused to residential buildings, shops and public facilities. 

The Syrian regime and its ally Russia deny targeting civilians and proclaim that they target military faction sites. While the region has been subject to a ceasefire truce since March 2020, violations have continued, especially during the last four months. Civil Defense teams have counted 1,206 attacks by regime forces and its allies from the beginning of 2023 until December 10, which have killed 154 people and injured 652. 

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