China Undergoes Rare Scrutiny of Rights Record at UN Meeting


China underwent scrutiny of its human rights record at a United Nations meeting on January 23, with mostly Western countries calling for protections for Xinjiang Uyghurs and greater freedom in Hong Kong, which Beijing dismissed as guidance based on lies.

The review at the U.N. in Geneva is the first since the global body's top rights official released a report in 2022 saying the detention of Uyghurs and other Muslims in China's Xinjiang region may constitute crimes against humanity. Beijing denies any abuses.

China, which sent a large delegation with dozens of officials, has been lobbying non-Western countries to praise its human rights record ahead of the meeting by sending memos to envoys in recent weeks, diplomats told Reuters. China's delegation in Geneva said on January 23 it had made progress since its last U.N. review in 2018, lifting nearly 100 million people out of poverty.

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