Chad Starts ‘National Dialogue’ to Pave Way for Elections


Delayed talks on Chad’s future that the ruling military says are a “decisive moment” opened despite some opposition groups boycotting the gathering. 

More than 1,400 delegates from the military, civil society, opposition parties, trade unions, and rebel groups gathered on Saturday in the capital, N’Djamena, for the “national dialogue” that is expected to last three weeks. 

The talks are the initiative of army general Mahamat Idriss Deby. Deby described the forum as a “decisive moment in history of our country” after arriving in military dress surrounded by tight security to open the forum. 

Earlier, he inaugurated a statue symbolizing national unity at the January 15 palace in the capital before reviewing an honor guard. Deby took power in April 2021 at the age of just 37 after his father, who ruled for 30 years, was killed during a military operation against rebels. 

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