Activists Say Indonesian State Weapons Makers Supplying Myanmar


Human rights groups on Tuesday urged Indonesia to investigate suspected arms sales by state-owned companies to Myanmar, where Indonesia has been trying to promote reconciliation since a 2021 military coup triggered widespread conflict. 

Groups filed a complaint with Indonesia's national human rights commission on Monday alleging that three state-owned arms makers had been selling equipment to Myanmar since the coup, according to Feri Amsari, a legal adviser to the activists. 

Myanmar has been racked by violence since the military overthrew a government led by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi more than two years ago. 

The group that drew up the complaint includes two Myanmar organizations, the Chin Human Rights Organization and Myanmar Accountability Project, and Marzuki Darusman, a former Indonesian attorney general and rights advocate. 

The UN special rapporteur on Myanmar reported in May that Myanmar's military had imported at least $1 billion worth of arms and related material since the coup, largely from Russia, China, Singapore, Thailand, and India. 

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