Trial of Jailed Iranian Nobel Laureate Mohammadi Opens in Her Absence


A new trial against the jailed Iranian Nobel peace prize winner Narges Mohammadi opened on June 8 in her absence, said a lawyer for the women’s rights activist who has refused to attend hearings. 

Mohammadi, 52, has been jailed since November 2021 over several past convictions relating to her advocacy against the obligatory hijab for women and capital punishment in Iran. 

“The hearing of Ms. Narges Mohammadi was held today without her presence at the 29th Branch” of the Revolutionary court in the capital Tehran, said her lawyer, Mostafa Nili, on X. 

Nili said his client was “accused of propaganda against the state” over “her remarks on Dina Ghalibaf and on the boycott of legislative elections” held in March. 

Mohammadi’s family quoted her last month as saying that the latest trial should be held in public so “witnesses and survivors can testify to the sexual assaults perpetrated by the Islamic republic regime against women.”

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