Hong Kong Convicts 14 Activists of Subversion


Hong Kong found 14 pro-democracy activists guilty of subversion in the largest use yet of a China-imposed National Security Law (NSL). They included former lawmakers Leung Kwok-hung and Helena Wong, journalist-turned-campaigner Gwyneth Ho, and ordinary Hong Kongers who joined the mass protests of 2019. 

They were among the 47 activists charged with trying to "overthrow" the government by organizing an unofficial primary in 2020 to pick candidates who can run for office. The 47 make up some of the most prominent names in the pro-democracy movement, going back to 2014, when thousands protested for free and fair elections. 

Hong Kong’s officials hail the NSL's nearly 100 percent conviction rate but legal experts say that shows how it is being used to silence dissent – nearly 300 people have been arrested under it for a wide range of acts. 

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