Pakistan Official Admits Involvement in Rigging Election Results


A senior bureaucrat in Pakistan has said he helped rig Pakistan’s elections, a week after polls marred by allegations of manipulation returned no clear winner.

On February 17, Liaqat Ali Chattha, commissioner of the garrison city of Rawalpindi, where the country’s powerful military has its headquarters, said he would hand himself over to police and step down from his position. “We converted the losers into winners, reversing margins of 70,000 votes in 13 national assembly seats,” he told reporters, also implicating the head of the election commission and the country’s top judge.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s election commission rejected Chattha’s allegations, but said in a statement that it would “hold an enquiry.” A leading advocacy group, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, said that this confession revealed the “involvement of the state bureaucracy in rigging in Pakistan is beginning to be exposed.”

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