Colombia Cites Advances in Peace Talks with FARC Dissidents


Peace talks between Colombia's government and the largest FARC dissident group managed to get the rebels to suspend kidnappings, free 10 hostages, and reduce clashes with the country's military in under three months, a government negotiator said on Friday.

The government of leftist President Gustavo Petro wants to achieve "total peace" in the Andean country in a bid to end a six decades long internal armed conflict that has left more than 450,000 dead.

The government began negotiations with the Estado Mayor Central (EMC)—a dissident group of the now-demobilized Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)—in October. It also agreed to a ceasefire that both parties will agree to extend this month, Camilo Gonzalez, coordinator for the government's negotiating team with the EMC, said in an interview.

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