Students Barred from Iranian Universities for Refusing to Wear a Hijab


At least 60 female students in Iran have reportedly been barred from university for flouting the country’s mandatory hijab law. 

Videos recently shared by citizen journalists show the harassment of women and girls in subways, streets, and university campuses by disciplinary committees and pro-regime civilians. In defiance, female university students across the country have been recording themselves without headscarves. 

Several female activists have told the Guardian that detentions and arrests of young women are on rise. They said they have been warned of serious consequences if they fail to adhere to the mandatory hijab law. 

The students’ council of Iranian universities has said that at least 40 female students were “conditionally suspended” from classes for failing “to fully observe” hijab rules. However, the NGO The Human Rights Activists in Iran say that at least 64 students have been suspended and three expelled. 

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