Kosovo And Serbia Agree to Help Find War's Missing


The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to cooperate to locate and identify hundreds of people still missing from the 1998-99 war.

More than 13,000 people were killed during the conflict which pitted the overwhelmingly ethnic Albanian majority of Kosovo against Serbia. According to the European Union, 1,621 people remain unaccounted for. Under the deal, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti pledged to use satellite data and other advanced technology, including laser mapping, to detect mass graves.

Tuesday's deal follows a normalization agreement between Serbia and Kosovo, which the EU's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, announced in March. The fate of missing persons is one of many outstanding issues between the two sides. Mr. Borrell admitted that Tuesday's talks had not managed to bridge the gap between the two sides on the issue—their views remained "far apart," but they would continue talks.

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