Israel Passes Law Allowing Deportation of Palestinian Prisoners


The Israeli parliament has passed a law making it easier for authorities to revoke citizenship and residency from Palestinians imprisoned over Israeli-designated “acts of terror” and who receive financial assistance from the Palestinian Authority (PA). The PA, which governs the occupied West Bank, provides financial aid to families of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, as well as those killed or seriously injured by Israeli forces.

“This law represents a very dangerous escalation. It only deepens the apartheid system that is in place and creates separate laws for Palestinians and Jews,” Salam Irsheid, a lawyer at the Haifa-based Adalah Legal Center, told Al Jazeera.

Israeli law already allows the revocation of citizenship and residency of Palestinians in Israel and Jerusalem based on acts that constitute “a breach of loyalty to the State of Israel.” “We are against any infringement on the right to nationality and permanent residency, because this opens the door for them to revoke citizenship from Palestinians for other reasons,” said Irsheid.

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