Myanmar Political Prisoners Issue List of Torturers in Junta’s Insein Jail


Political prisoners in Yangon’s Insein Prison have revealed the names of officials and staff there involved in torture and rights abuses of prisoners of conscience. Their statement called on the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and international agencies to investigate the junta’s torture and killing of political prisoners.

Political prisoners from the men’s section stated that “about 5 percent of political prisoners arrested since the coup have been permanently disabled by the junta’s brutal torture.”

Female political prisoners were also subjected to beatings and rights abuses, the report added, and cited one woman whose baby was stillborn after she was refused proper medical aid during labor.

The statement said Insein jail currently holds more than 200 political prisoners aged under 20, about 10 in their 70s, and more than 1,000 in the 21 to 35 age group.

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