Uganda Pays First Installment of $325m War Reparations to DRC


Uganda has paid $65m in the first installment of the $325m it was ordered to pay the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as compensation for losses caused by wars in the 1990s when Ugandan troops occupied Congolese territory.


In a case first brought against Uganda in 1999, DRC asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to compel Uganda to pay it $11bn as reparations for the deaths, looting, and general economic damage caused by Uganda’s military occupation of parts of DRC in the 1990s.


After lengthy proceedings, the ICJ, United Nations’ highest court, ruled in 2005 that Uganda had violated international during a conflict that raged from 1998 to 2003. Then, they finally ruled in February this year that Uganda should pay $325m in five yearly installments of $65m, starting in September this year.


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