UN Human Rights Office Decries Beheadings, Other Violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State


The UN human rights office warned on May 24 of “frightening and disturbing reports” about the impact of new violence in Myanmar’s western state of Rakhine, pointing to new attacks on Rohingya civilians by the military and an ethnic armed group fighting it. 

Spokesperson Liz Throssell of the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights cited the burning of the town of Buthidaung, as well as air strikes, reports of shootings at unarmed fleeing villagers, beheadings, and disappearances as part of the violence in the northern part of Rakhine in recent weeks. She said tens of thousands of civilians have been displaced in recent days amid fighting in Buthidaung, citing evidence from satellite images, testimonies, and online video indicating that the town has been largely burned. 

The fighting comes in the context of a civil war in Myanmar that began after the army ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, leading to an armed resistance opposing military rule. The pro-democracy fighters are allied with several of the ethnic minority groups that have been fighting for greater autonomy for decades, and have well-trained military forces. 

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