Vietnam Arrests Official Engaged in UN Talks on Labor Reform


Police in Vietnam have arrested a senior official involved in talks with international organisations on labor reforms, state media said on May 9, adding that the action was linked to disclosure of classified information.

The detention of Nguyen Van Binh follows months of arrests of prominent experts and activists, in what some diplomats see as a further crackdown on civil society amid a major reshuffle of top political leaders in the Communist-ruled country.

As director general of the labor ministry's legal affairs department, Binh, 51, was charged with overseeing reforms to labor law on which he worked closely with the International Labour Organization (ILO), the ministry said on its website.

His efforts with the ILO and international partners aimed at possible ratification of Convention 87 on labor and trade union rights. If passed, the measure would guarantee workers the right to form independent trade unions without prior authorisation.

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