Malian Group Asks Supreme Court to Annul Junta's Ban on Political Activities


The Malian Supreme Court should annul the ruling junta's order to suspend political activities, a group of Malian political parties and civil society organizations said in an appeal on April 22.

The West African country has been under military rule since a coup in 2020. Tensions have risen in recent weeks over the authorities' failure to organize promised elections and their subsequent decree that limits political life in the name of maintaining public order.

The allied political and civil society groups opposed to the April 10 order said they had turned jointly to Mali's top court "with the aim of annulling the decree which they consider tyrannical and oppressive," they said in a statement.

However, the authorities said last September they would indefinitely postpone the February elections for technical reasons, deepening concerns about democratic backsliding in West and Central Africa, where there have been eight coups over the past four years.

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