Eritrean Troops ‘Committed War Crimes’ in Ethiopia After Peace Deal: Report


Eritrean troops allied with Ethiopia’s government have “committed war crimes and possible crimes against humanity” in Tigray, rights group Amnesty International says. 

In a report released on Monday, Amnesty detailed how Eritrean soldiers extrajudicially executed civilians and sexually enslaved women for months after the signing of a peace agreement last year. 

The war, which broke out in November 2020, pitted regional forces from Tigray against Ethiopia’s federal army and its allies, which include forces from other regions and from neighboring Eritrea. 

In 2021, Eritrea was sanctioned by the United States for sending troops into Tigray in support of Ethiopia’s federal forces, with its soldiers accused of murder, rape, and looting during the two-year war. 

Amnesty said it interviewed 49 people in May and June in the border districts of Mariam Shewito and Kokob Tsibah, corroborating their testimonies with satellite imagery as well as the accounts of social workers, medical experts and government officials. 

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