Gunmen Kill 10 in Northwest Cameroon in Ongoing Anglophone Crisis


Gunmen killed 10 people and injured two others at a busy junction in the city of Bamenda in Cameroon’s troubled northwest, the regional governor said on Monday. 

The Ambazonia Defence Forces, the main separatist group in the English-speaking region which has been fighting since 2017 in protest of alleged marginalization by the majority French-speaking government, denied responsibility. 

Discrepancies between the French and English academic, legal, and administrative systems which have always existed concurrently, as well as cries of political and economic marginalization, crystallized into a series of protests and riots in 2016. 

The violent suppression of those protests has led to a full-blown conflict that has resulted in the deaths of more than 6,000 people in Anglophone Cameroon since. 

Earlier this month, human rights group Amnesty International slammed government troops, militias, and separatists for killings, rapes, torture, and burning of houses among other atrocities in Cameroon’s English-speaking regions. 

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