Sexual Violence is Junta’s ‘Modus Operandi’, Myanmar Activist Tells UN


The crisis in Myanmar should be referred to the international criminal court for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including widespread sexual violence, an open session at the UN security council will be told. 

Naw Hser Hser is the first Myanmar human rights defender to brief council members in an open session since the 2021 coup. 

Naw Hser Hser, a member of the advisory board for the Women’s League of Burma, will speak as part of the council’s annual open debate on conflict-related sexual violence on Friday. 

During the briefing, she will say that using sexual violence to attack civilian populations is the military’s “modus operandi,” citing the widespread use of rape and sexual violence by military personnel against Rohingya. UN investigators later found there was widespread sexual violence by the military against Rohingya–something it has denied. 

Since the coup, WLB has documented more than 100 cases of conflict-related sexual violence and gender-based violence. 

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