Israeli Forces Launch Biggest Military Operation in West Bank’s Jenin Since 2002


Israeli forces launched what a military source said is its largest military operation in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin in more than 20 years, killing at least eight people and injuring more than 50 others, according to Palestinian officials. 

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement it launched the “extensive counterterrorism effort in the area of the city of Jenin and the Jenin Camp,” striking “terrorist infrastructure.” 

Of those injured, 10 are “in serious condition,” the Palestinian Ministry of Health said early afternoon Monday. Mahmoud al-Saadi, director of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Jenin, said most of the injuries are “serious and in the upper part of the body,” adding the process of transferring the injured has been difficult. 

Five of those killed were teenagers, the ministry said. 

The raid sparked immediate condemnation. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called the large-scale Israeli military operation “a new war crime.” 

Egypt also condemned the Israeli incursion, calling it an act of “aggression.” 

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