Canada Invests in Reconciliation


Canada has announced investments totaling more than $4 million to support 278 first nation community projects all across the country.

The money will also fund two major national projects: a national commemorative gathering on September 30 for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and an educational program week for students in the country.

On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau helped raise the Survivors’ Flag on Parliament Hill. This flag will fly in memory of the 150,000 Indigenous children who were forcibly separated from their families and communities to be sent to residential schools.

“At the centre of the flag, you can see the children, and their families. It’s important that we remember those families who were ripped apart. With the identification of unmarked burial sites across the country, the pain, has resurfaced for so many. We are here for you,” he said.

Read more here.