Kazakhstan Unrest was Coup Attempt, Says President


Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has described deadly violence last week as an attempted coup d'etat. He told leaders of a military alliance of ex-Soviet states the action had been coordinated by a "single center," but did not name those responsible. Troops from Russia and other countries are currently in Kazakhstan to restore order.

The demonstrations, triggered by a rise in fuel prices, turned into the worst unrest the country has seen in its 30 years of independence. Dozens of people are reported to have died, including 16 members of the security forces. The protests started on January 2  and grew to reflect discontent at the government and former President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who led Kazakhstan for three decades and is still thought to retain significant influence. A state of emergency and a nationwide curfew remain in place.

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