Cambodian King Promulgates Law to End Khmer Rouge Tribunal


Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni has signed off on legislation which will enable the United Nations-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, to wind down and finalize its mission within the next three years. 

The tribunal was charged with prosecuting those most responsible for the 1975-79 genocide committed under Pol Pot's ruthless rule when about two million perished. 

National Assembly member Chheang Vun said further initiatives needed to be undertaken in regards to educating young people about Cambodia's history in order to prevent a recurrence of such crimes. He said, "We still need to prepare an archive of all tribunal documents and set up a place for them to be stored and displayed for the benefit of the younger generations of Cambodians who will one day themselves take up the responsibility of preventing genocide's return." 

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