Srebrenica Memorial Centre Houses Unidentified Genocide Victims’ Remains


A facility was opened at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre to store the remains, personal belongings, and clothes of victims of the Srebrenica genocide who haven’t been identified—intended as a place of dignified remembrance.

The new facility to store remains of victims of the July 1995 genocide of Bosniaks by Bosnian Serb forces opened with a ceremony on May 8 at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre in the village of Potocari. The US ambassador to Sarajevo, Michael Murphy, said it would serve as a place of memory for those who want to learn from history.

Hague Tribunal verdicts have established that more than 7,000 men and boys from Srebrenica were killed in July 1995. Their bodies were buried in several mass graves and then the remains were dug up again and reburied as Bosnian Serb forces attempted to cover up their crimes. In the process, bodies were broken up and parts of the same person were buried in different locations. Murphy argued that by giving space to the victims at the new facility, it would be ensured that the genocide is not repeated and not forgotten.

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