Peru’s Boluarte Denounces Protests as ‘Threat to Democracy’


Peruvian President Dina Boluarte has denounced a series of protests scheduled to begin the week of January 15 as a “threat to democracy,” as tensions continue to simmer in the South American nation. Boluarte’s remarks came on the eve of what is being called the third “Toma de Lima” or “Taking of Lima,” a march on the capital city that is expected to attract thousands of protesters.

Boluarte’s administration has faced widespread anti-government demonstrations since December, when she was sworn in. Protesters have called for the dissolution of Congress, the drafting of a new constitution, and the resignation of Boluarte, who formerly served as former President Pedro Castillo’s vice president.

Boluarte has also been criticized for the government’s harsh crackdown on the demonstrations, which blocked highways and shuttered airports and rail stations earlier this year. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) released a report in May concluding that the government’s actions included extrajudicial killings and could constitute a “massacre.”

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