Nearly Half of Those Held in Russia’s Detention Centers in Kherson Were Tortured, Rights Report Finds


Nearly half of Ukrainians held in Russian detention centers in Kherson were subjected to widespread torture including sexual violence, according to a report published Wednesday. 

The report reveals analysis of an initial pool of 320 cases of detention in Kherson, across more than 35 identified detention centers. It was compiled by a Mobile Justice Team, part of the UK-, EU-, and US-sponsored Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group and set up by international human rights law firm and foundation, Global Rights Compliance, to support Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General. 

According to the report, at least 36 victims from the pool analyzed mentioned the use of electrocution during interrogations, often genital electrocution by Russian guards. 

The report adds that suffocation, waterboarding, severe beatings, and threats of rape were other techniques commonly used against victims by Russian guards in the Kherson torture chambers, according to the specialist unit.  

Russia has repeatedly denied accusations of torture and human rights abuses in Ukraine despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, investigated, compiled, and shared by international human rights organizations and news organizations. Russian officials have not yet commented on the report. 

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